Golden Grahams Cereal Review
We LOVE anything Golden Grahams related at Reviewers United and we can’t get enough of them. Why Nestle decided to stop selling Golden Grahams in the United Kingdom is a mystery to us all, not a great move on their part! Golden Grahams cereal has been a Christmas tradition, every morning we’d wake up and have a bowl before opening presents, it was a great tradition but now it’s more difficult to get your hands on the cereal it’s not as fun.
Golden Grahams were a best selling cereal until they got pulled off the shelves, that being said if you asked someone where the Cinnamon Golden Grahams were or the Curiously Grahams were they’d tell you. Here at Reviewers United, Cinnamon Grahams aren’t well received! Let’s talk about Golden Grahams a little more, shall we?
Golden Grahams Products
There are various Golden Grahams products, however they are mainly sold in the USA and have to be imported into other countries such as the United Kingdom. This means they can be more expensive and difficult to get ahold of. Take a look at the Golden Grahams product reviews below for more information.
Golden Grahams S’mores Snack Bar
These Golden Grahams S’mores Snack Bars are mainly sold in the USA. These are portable snacks with Golden Grahams Cereal included in the bars. They are great for people who love Golden Grahams and need a Golden Grahams fix as they no longer sell Golden Grahams products within the UK. They can be found at most major USA stores such as Target, Walmart and online stores.
Each 30g Golden Grahams S’mores Snack Bar is packed with Golden Graham’s cereal giving it an authentic Golden Grahams taste, they also include chocolate marshmallows and chocolate chips to make it a delicious snack bar. We think the Golden Grahams S’mores Snack Bars are great, they taste like authentic Golden Grahams and with even tastier ingredients!
Golden Grahams S’mores Remix
Golden Grahams S’mores Remix. These Golden Grahams S’mores Remix are great additions to any lunch box or picnic. They’re easy to back, snack sized and everyone is bound to love them. You can get these in most supermarkets in the USA although they’re always found in Walmart so check there first.
Golden Grahams S’mores Remix is a snack mix made with Golden Grahams cereal, Cocoa Puffs cereal, and marshmallows. It is a delicious and fun way to enjoy the taste of s’mores without building a campfire. Golden Grahams S’mores Remix is perfect for snacking on the go, packing in lunches, or sharing with friends. Golden Grahams S’mores Remix is a good source of whole grains and provides 100% of the daily value of vitamin D. It is also a good source of fibre and iron.
We love these, I LOVE Golden Grahams and can’t get enough of them. I used to think they just made cereal but since my recent trip to the United States, I’ve learnt they do so much more and I’m in love with the brand even more. The first thing you need to do when you step off of that plane is find the closest Walmart and get some! These Golden Grahams S’mores Remix bags are delicious, affordable and something everyone should try.
Golden Grahams Cereal UK
Are Golden Grahams Cereal Still Available UK
No, Golden Grahams are no longer available to buy in the United Kingdom since 2022. The only way to get your hands on the cereal products now is to have them imported into the UK which can cost a lot.
Since Golden Grahams cereal left the UK you can only buy the Golden Grahams Retro Recipe cereal box so if you can get your hands on the old box, you’ll be lucky.
Is Golden Grahams Cereal Discontinued
Golden Grahams cereal was discontinued in the UK in 2022. However, it is still available for purchase online from some retailers. These retailers import the cereal from other countries where it is still sold which will mean the cereal will cost you a lot more.
What Happened To Golden Grahams Cereal
Golden Grahams cereal was discontinued in the UK in 2022. The reasons for the discontinuation are not entirely clear, but it is likely due to a combination of factors, including declining sales and competition from other cereals.
Golden Grahams was first introduced in the UK in the 1970s. It was a popular cereal in the 1980s and 1990s, but sales began to decline in the early 2000s. Also, due to the growing market in cereal based products there was more competition for Golden Grahams to stand out especially as other cereals offered a range of flavours.
As a result of these factors, Nestlé, the company that produced Golden Grahams in the UK, decided to discontinue the cereal in 2022. The decision was met with disappointment by many fans of the cereal, but it is likely that the discontinuation was a necessary business decision. Golden Grahams is still available in the United States and Canada so if you’re going on holiday soon, keep an eye out.

Golden Grahams Products
There are multiple Golden Grahams products and not just the staple Golden Grahams cereal. Take a look at some of the Golden Grahams product range below. How many have you tried?
- Golden Grahams Cereal is the original cereal, made with whole grain wheat and corn meal, and flavored with honey and brown sugar.
- Golden Grahams Bites are smaller, bite-sized pieces of Golden Grahams cereal. They are perfect for snacking or adding to yogurt or oatmeal.
- Golden Grahams Toasted Treats are Golden Grahams cereal squares that are baked and coated in honey and cinnamon. They are a delicious and easy way to enjoy Golden Grahams.
- Golden Grahams Granola is a granola made with Golden Grahams cereal, oats, dried fruit, and nuts. It is a great source of fibre and vitamins, and it is perfect for breakfast, snacks, or trail mix.
- Golden Grahams Marshmallows are marshmallows that are flavoured with Golden Grahams cereal. They are a delicious and fun way to enjoy Golden Grahams.
Are Golden Grahams Cereal Gluten Free
No, Golden Grahams cereal is not gluten-free. It contains wheat, which is a gluten-containing grain. If you are gluten-free, you will need to find a different cereal to enjoy.
Golden Grahams Ingredients
Golden Grahams cereal is a good source of whole grains and fibre. It is also a good source of iron and zinc. However, it is high in sugar and calories. A serving of Golden Grahams cereal contains 11 grams of sugar and 110 calories. When they were sold in the UK they were one of the healthier options for breakfast cereal, unlike others that were packed full of sugar.
Here are the ingredients of Golden Grahams cereal:
- Whole grain wheat
- Corn meal
- Sugar
- Brown sugar syrup
- Canola oil
- Dextrose
- Baking soda
- Salt
- Natural flavour
- Vitamins and minerals: Calcium carbonate, iron and zinc (mineral nutrients), vitamin C (sodium ascorbate), niacin-amide (vitamin B3), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamin mononitrate (vitamin B1), vitamin A (palmitate), folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin D3.
What Do Golden Grahams Taste Like?
Golden Grahams cereal tastes like a cross between graham crackers and Rice Krispies. Others say that it tastes like a more sugary version of Honey Nut Cheerios.
Here are some of the flavours that you can taste in Golden Grahams cereal:
- Honey: The honey flavour is the most prominent flavour in Golden Grahams cereal. It is a sweet, slightly floral flavour that is well-balanced with the other flavours in the cereal.
- Brown sugar: The brown sugar flavour adds a depth of flavour to Golden Grahams cereal. It is a warm, caramelised flavour that pairs well with the honey flavour.
- Graham cracker: The graham cracker flavour is the third most prominent flavour in Golden Grahams cereal. It is a slightly nutty, toasty flavour that adds a bit of complexity to the cereal.
If you are looking for a delicious and sweet breakfast cereal, Golden Grahams is a great option. It is a good source of whole grains and fibre, and it also has a unique flavour that is hard to find in other cereals. We wouldn’t suggest having a Golden Grahams breakfast every morning though, maybe switch it up with something a little more healthy like bran flakes.
Golden Grahams Review
We love Golden Grahams, if you can get your hands on any of the products, do it and give them a go. They’re super tasty, worth the money and if you ever visit the United States, get yourself to Walmart and pick up any Golden Grahams products that you can find.
Golden Grahams are so tasty, the honey flavour is subtle but gives the cereal such a sweet and yummy flavour. These are great for cereal and also recipes, if you’re looking to make a s’mores recipe use Golden Grahams and not some other inferior cereal! The cereal is toasted which means you get a nice crisp texture when you’re eating your breakfast, nobody likes a soggy texture after all!
Golden Grahams are like childhood in a bowl, they are a nice sweet treat and great to indulge in before having to go to either school or work!
This post was written in 2023, some products may have been discontinued in all countries and no longer be available for purchase on online retailers. Golden Grahams are a highly sought-after product and we are sorry if we purchased the last box but rest assured, we’ll enjoy it enough for everyone.

Where To Buy Golden Grahams Cereal UK
Golden Grahams cereal is no longer available in the UK, along with the other Golden Graham products in the range. They were discontinued in 2022. You can still buy it online from some retailers, such as: (See if we can get affiliate links on any of the ones below, if not delete)
- The American Candy Company
- eBay
- Amazon
Please note that the prices of Golden Grahams cereal on these websites may be higher than the prices in the United States or Canada. Always check reviews on the retailer you’re looking to place an order with first to make sure you’re not being ripped off or scammed. The Golden Grahams cereal is great but not worth loosing a lot of money over.